Far away, So close

As the physical
connections with others have been restricted because of the effect of the
COVID-19 pandemic, we are living scattered like islands.
exhibition <Far away, So close> expresses this paradoxical
situation and, at the same time, shows the will to overcome the limitations. By
dedicating our best effort to exert the respective creativities and then
interconnect them beyond the physical and spatial limitations, this show is
intended to express that each of us scattered like islands is actually
intertwined in the digital space.
‘However, we who are connected by the creative fashion works have experienced that we are strongly interconnected to each other although it is in a bit looser way than before.’
exhibition <Far away, So close> expresses this paradoxical
situation and, at the same time, shows the will to overcome the limitations. By
dedicating our best effort to exert the respective creativities and then
interconnect them beyond the physical and spatial limitations, this show is
intended to express that each of us scattered like islands is actually
intertwined in the digital space.COVID-19의 영향으로 타인과의 물리적 접촉이 제한되면서 우리는 섬처럼 흩어져 살아가고 있다. 그러나 패션에 관한 창의적 작업들로 이어진 우리는 이전보다 느슨하지만 더없이 끈끈하게 연결되어 있다는 것을 체감하였다. 전시 <Far away, So close>는 이러한 역설적인 상황을 표현하고, 동시에 그 한계를 넘고자 하는 의지를 보여주고 있다. 물리적·공간적 한계를 뛰어넘어 각자의 창의성들을 발휘하고 또 연결하는 데에 최선을 다하여, 섬처럼 흩어져 있는 우리 개개인이 디지털 공간에서 얽혀있음을 표현하고자 하였다. |

Intends to express a free and new identity not having the distinction between the real world and the intangible fantasy world.
실체가 없는 공상의 세계와 실재 세계의 구분이 없이 자유롭고 새로운 아이덴티티를 표현하고자 한다 .