EXHIBITION, “Far away, So close”  2021


Material 1: Cow Leather, MOP(mother-of-pearl shell) beads
Material 2: Cow Leather, Cotton
Material 3: Lamb skin
Technique: Laser Engraving, Digital Textile Printing



I wanted to find out the Korean style formative beauty in folk paintings that were indwelt Korean's sincere life and spirit.

The Korean style formative beauty that is found in folk paintings. I wanted to find out the Korean style formative beauty in folk paintings that were indwelt Korean's sincere life and spirit. Based on the Korean style formative characteristics found in folk paintings such as flat, simple, abstract, artless, irregular, and rhythmic, the patterns were extracted through creative interpretation and unraveled using various techniques. The tiger pattern, which is the center of this work's pattern, is a tiger of Hojakdo, which appears along with a magpie and a pine tree, and contains the symbolic meaning of the auspicious omen and the exorcising ghosts. This tiger pattern bag was made hoping that it would be the beginning of a lucky sign in our daily lives.

민화에서 찾은 한국적 조형미.
한국인의 진솔한 삶과 정서가 깃들어 있는 민화에서 한국적 조형미를 찾고 싶었다. 평면, 단순, 추상, 무기교, 불규칙, 율동 등 민화에서 찾은 한국적 조형특성을 바탕으로 창의적 해석을 통해 패턴을 추출하여 다양한 기법으로 풀어냈다. 이번 작품 패턴의 중심인 호랑이 패턴은 호작도의 호랑이로 까치, 소나무와 함께 등장하여 길상과 벽사의 상징적 의미가 담겨져 있다.
이 호랑이 패턴 가방이 우리 일상 생활에 하나의 lucky sign의 시작이 되었으면 하는 바람으로 제작했다.

以在民画中抽取的平面, 单纯, 抽象, 无技巧, 不规则, 律动等韩国的造型特征为基础,通过创意性解析提取了图案后用多种不同方式进行了解析. 本次作品的中心,老虎图案含有喜鹊和松树,含有吉祥和碧史的象征性意义.
但愿这个老虎图案能够成为我们日常生活中的lucky sign而开始了制作. 

Hongik Univ.

57, Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 03082
Tel. +82 2 3668 3707 (AM 11:00~PM 7:00)