Oldly young, 2021
Material 1: Rhinestone, Beads
Material 2: Copper wire, Pearl
Technique: Pinch wire, Patchwork
Technique (Make-up): Gradation Cover
How will people think about and accept if such unattractive marks appear on our faces and bodies in different forms?
All of us seem to be like a blank sheet of paper. Therefore, as time passes or due to external influences, there may be various marks on our faces and bodies. The majority of us unconsciously try to erase and change such marks on our bodies and adjust ourselves to fit in the world's beauty standards. Then, how will people think about and accept if such unattractive marks appear on our faces and bodies in different forms?
사람은 누구나 백지장 같다. 세월의 흐름이나 외부의 충격에 의해 얼굴과 몸에는 갖가지 흔적이 남게 되고, 대부분의 사람들은 이런 흔적을 무의식적으로 지우고 변화시키려 한다.아름다움에 대한이 세상의 정의에 맞도록, 이런'아름답지 못한 흔적'이 다른 형태로 우리의 얼굴과 몸에 나타날 때, 사람들은 어떻게 생각하고 받아들일 것인가?
人,就像一张白纸. 随着时间的流逝或外部的冲击,脸部和身上会留下相应的痕迹, 大部分的人都会试图无意识的遗忘或改变.使对美丽的态度符合于世界的定义, 当这种'丑陋痕迹'以不同形式在我们的脸和身体上显出, 人们会如何对待和接受?